
Siiri Tännler, Korvapuusti

This is a recipe for Finnish cinnamon buns, which we call Korvapuusti (translation: slap on the ear). I have fond memories of my late grandmother making these with me in the summer cottage. Whenever she wasn’t looking I would eat the dough — as a child I fainted several times from eating too much of it. I’m still not sure why that happened, but it was always so delicious that I couldn’t resist. They aren’t too bad once baked either.

Makes 35 pieces


for the dough

for the filling

for the topping


  1. mix egg, sugar, cardamom, and salt into lukewarm milk
    mix a part of the flour with dry yeast and add to batter
  2. add flour gradually, add lukewarm margarine last
    knead until smooth and elastic
    place dough in a bowl and cover with a damp cloth, leave in a warm place to rise for 40 minutes; until double in size
  3. knead away air bubbles from the risen dough
    divide dough into two parts
  4. on a surface covered with flour, roll both parts into thin rectangles (ca. 30 x 60 cm)
    spread maragrine over the dough (half on each part), right up to the edge
    sprinkle generously with sugar and cinnamon
  5. roll dough into a long roll, and cut diagonally into fat triangular rolls (ca. 4–5cm on wider side, ca. 2cm on narrow side)
    position rolls with narrow side facing up
    push down the top in middle with both thumbs until the bottom
  6. allow rolls to rise under a towel in a warm place for 30 minutes
    preheat oven to 225°C
  7. brush tops with beaten egg yolk and sprinkle with pearl sugar
  8. bake in middle of oven for 10–15 minutes
  9. enjoy warm from the oven